Friday, March 20, 2020

Military rations

The human space navy eschews food from the homeworld of Dirt entirely. Until recently Dirt was a patchwork of rival arcology states. In the new multicultural Seeder Navy food can reignite old grudges. Serve Esk-style fermented protein slurry to a group of marines from Esk's ancient nemesis Url and you might have a riot on your hands. The Seeder Navy sources it's rations from its many trading partners; bulk grains from Mother Corp, cheese from Cheese Covered Planet, even human germline clone meats from Mu-Boll meat vats.

The bulk of the Reclaimer Alliance's ground forces are made up by Scollapendrite fighting clans. Scollapendrites are sapient arthropod-like creatures and obligate carnivores. As such their supply chains are entirely dependent on the Church of the Holy Vermin. The church uses its ancient vermin engines to create swarms of bugs which are then killed and made into jerky. Most Scollapendrites prefer live prey, so the clans supplement their rations with aggressive forage. Fighting clan deployment zones become depleted of wildlife, urban scavengers and household pets. One clan, the Maltok or "Cellar Devils" are infamous among their enemies for their grisly resupply practices. They are urban/subterranean specialists and it is said they never pack rations for long term missions. In one storied/officially denied incident a the shell of a high ranking Over Crab officer was found picked clean. The story told in secret by the Neo Floozies is that single commando blew a hole in the carapace then ate the unlucky officer alive from the inside out. This is anatomically impossible when you consider the size of a Scollapendrite stomach relative to an Over Crab. Clearly then it was more than one Scollapendrite. Everyone agrees that is not better.

Clowners are marine arthropod-like sapients. Whispering Worms are sapient endo-symbionts. Together with a human minority they make up the merchant marine firms of the Republic of Sea Serpents. The traditional rations are cans of salted by-catch slurry from the Republic's great fisheries, topped off with a frankly terrify ration of foul kelp grog (Whispering Worm hosts get double). Humans introduced the concept of bread, which became a standardized carb wafer. The sandwich entered into the shared mythology of the Clowners and the Whispering Worms with surprising speed. They now consider half eaten sandwiches as great delicacies. Most claim that the best sandwiches are the ones chewed on by humans, though some violently disagree. This is the one bit of social leverage humans have in merchant marines .

Officially denied by the Intergalactic Candy company, candy pirates operate mostly independently in the void. Their food comes from the carefully tended candy gardens, one in each ship. These tiny patches of the insidious candy ecosystem can digest virtually any biomass and convert it into it into the candy the Candlyling and Candy Mutant crew need to live. The crewman in charger of the garden is known as the granger and they are just below the captain in the chain of command. The granger is honor bound to feed and care for any captives. A steady diet of raw candy will convert into candy mutants over the course of a week.

The Agredeem are echinoderm-like sapients. They are amphibious omnivore scavengers. Their previous polity, the Agredeem Totality feed their space navy with bio-engineered algae that came in flavors like dead fish, mortally wounded shellfish and moldy fruit medley. The new Agredeem Empire has greatly increased production as part of their general war footing, leading to noticeable drop in quality, which in turn leads to moral problems, especially among human auxiliary units.
Unlike the flat hierarchies of the Totality, the Empire has an aristocratic officer class which has been infected by the decadence of the Emperor. They demand a high level of luxury even while the're campaigning. The average imperial officer has 1d4 hundred credits worth of high end provisions such as expensive wine (severed in marine/terrestrial pairs), exotic caviar and high end rot spice. The Empire's over taxed supply lines have become prime privateer targets. There is also a thriving a black market that stops just short of active treason. If you want to bribe an Agredeem guard, bring fresh fish eggs.
The most tempting targets are the supply freighters heading towards the Emperor and his Great Star advisers. They can be found at the heart of their titanic capital ships on the front lines. Each ship has a fully stocked kitchen with a ladder worth tens of thousands of credits. Of course they are protected by the power of the Imperial war machine and they are well within the psychic influence spheres of the Great Stars

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