Thursday, April 16, 2020

Darlarskin the creep forge

Darlarskin is a world in the Undersphere, a break-off cluster of planets below the galactic plane. Like all worlds in the Undersphere it is ruled by the godlings known as the Underminsters and their servants, the Reborn. Darlarskin is a heavy industrial world, buried under a thick blanket of multi-level factories. The atmosphere is a toxic miasma of exhaust. Base line organic life struggles to survive here; only the twisted imaginary life forms known as creeps thrive. Creeps reflect the emotional character of their environment so here they are stunted imp-like creatures  with grotesque biomechanical features. Their instincts drive them to ceaselessly toil without intellect. They are the ones that built the factories  and you can see the limit of their reason in the strange and futile architecture. Most of the work that is done on Darlarskin is pointless and absurd, an endless ouroboros of manufacturing and recycling. Only in the domains of the Reborn nobles do human and Reborn overseers bend the creep thralls into useful labors. Each noble aims to corner a particular market niche, such as infantry weapons or amour.
 Baron Valderash is the most famous sword smith in the Undersphere (though an honest assessment would give the credit to his team of human thralls). He is an ancient vampire, all gaunt with lipless fangs and lidless eyes. His barony is in the upper reaches of Darlarskin, a realm of crooked towers and gothic metal catwalks. Reborn corsairs come here to commission cruel weapons. Valderash and his thralls know the secret of creep smithing, the art of binding creeps into metal. These prison swords weep strange venom and are willful in their owners' hands.
 By Reborn custom a sword can only be given a name after it has taken the life of a worthy opponent. Also by custom duels can only take place with the consent of the local lord. Nobles picking up custom weapons are often wish for a chance to name their weapons. Valderash maintains a stable of aspiring duelists eager to win a noble title by defeating the previous title holder. Which duelists challenges which noble is entirely at the whims of Valderash. The hopeless neonates are thrown in front of valuable customers while he holds the skilled back for nobles he would prefer to see dead. When they aren't training or indulging in the horrible vices of the Reborn, the duelists serve as the Baron's leg breakers.
In the darkness of the lower manufactories is the realm of Baroness Gruvalda the creep smith. She is a luneman. Her human form is overweight and she usually wears a lab coat with a gore and oil stained leather apron. Her bestial tells are her predatory gaze and her massive prehensile tongue. Her beast form is a jowely hellhound. Gruvalda is the foremost creep smith on Darlarskin. She surgically alters the lowly creep thralls  into combat ready forms, often by combining parts from multiple creeps. Her creeps aren't the most deadly, resilient or terrifying but they are cheep. Currently she is trying to challenge her reputation by making a single masterpiece creep. Creatively she is at a dead end and is just stapling more creeps together. She will pay handsomely for better building stock, or even some better ideas.
The ruler of Darlarskin is Underminister Trevfarl. It appears as a verdigrised metal skeleton forty feet tall. Leathery hoses give it veins and viscera. On it's head is a blank rusted mask. It sleeps on a throne of pipes in the heart of a busy factory. When roused two baneful yellow lamps shine out of the mask like eyes and the hoses engorge with steam. Small ruptures bleed steam and slick red oil before knitting back together. Before it attacks it roars like a steam whistle then fixes its gaze on a target, causing their blood to boil. Like all underminister it communicates its wishes through dreams.

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