Thursday, October 21, 2021

Chunky Space compact

    The Chunky Space Compact was created in response to border skirmishes inside Chunky Space between the six major signatories. The problem was that with the elevated levels of priracy within Chunky Space, unnecessary conflicts were occurring between the various security forces, sometimes catalyzed by the pirates they were obstebily hunting. After a particularly nasty incident in which Seeder Navy personnel were captured and eaten by Republic pirate hunters, a peace conference was called, and the compact was signed shortly thereafter. The terms are fairly simple.

1 - Non-aggression - The big one, arguably the reason for the treaty. Each polity keeps a register of all ships active in Chunky Space. Ships so named are to be free of all harassment and molestation outside of publicly declared interdiction zones. A vessel violating this sanction can expect to lose its official designation and be branded a pirate.

2 - Letters of Marque and reprisal - This section covers the (fairly simple) requirements a ship needs to met in order to serve as a privateer, as well as a list of polities and outlaw groups that are considered to be pirates.

3 - Colony licensensing - This is the sole provision added by the Republic of Sea Serpents. It outlines the necessary procedures to quantify environmental impact of new colonies and ways that impact can be negated. All unlicensed colonies are considered to be “wild cat” settlements and are fair targets for privateers

4 - Chunky net - This provision mandated the creation of a pan chunky space communication network in order to share information between polities 

5 - Extradition - Signatory parties have the right to call for extradition hearings for criminals in other signatory’s territories. Such hearings are to be overseen by a local magistrate (or the closest equivalent). Only acts that are crimes in both polities are extraditable.

6 - Right of Docking - Lastly, signatory ships are allowed at signatory ports and must be allowed to purchase fuel at local market prices, except during officially declared emergencies.

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